Sunday Worship 9:00 AM & 6:00 PM | 10:30 AM Bible Classes | Wednesday Bible Study 7:00 PM

Bible Classes for ALL ages

#GlorifyGod | #ShareTheGospel | #ServeOthers

Sunday Morning Adult  

(March 2 – May 25, 10:30-11:15am)

Through the Bible in a Year (New Testament, Part 2) (Auditorium) Teacher: Dan Chambers 
This quarter will finish our year-long journey through the Bible by finishing our
journey through the New Testament. We'll continue to learn the major themes of
each book, the key verses, and see how each book fits into the Bible story.
(Note: This class is also offered on Wednesdays.)
The Book of Exodus (210) Teacher: Will Sharp 
Join us in a study of Exodus as we explore its themes, passages, and characters—and how the New Testament uses these to explain various aspects of the Gospel.

Making Disciples: Living Out the Great Commission (Room 211) 
Teacher: David Harper & Ryan Staggs
Jesus’ final words in Matthew set the expectation for His followers: “Therefore, go and make disciples” (Matthew 28:19). But what does it mean to be a disciple, and how does it shape our lives? This class explores what discipleship looks like— growing in Christ, sharing His message, and walking alongside others in faith. We will also highlight Concord Road’s global mission efforts and the impact of partner disciples spreading the Gospel. Join us as we learn how to live out the Great Commission in meaningful ways.

Young Professionals: The Sequel: Luke’s Second Volume (Room 212) Teacher: Caleb Hobgood
As we examine the historical account of Acts, we will see how a small group of witnesses spread the gospel to the ends of the earth—turning the world upside down (Acts 17:6). Throughout our study we’ll explore the spiritual growth of the Apostles, the transformation of new believers, and the unstoppable mission of Christ. Along the way, we’ll take deep dives into key moments and themes to help shape our confidence and faith in God.
Differentiated Needs Adult Class (Room 203) 
Teachers: Various Teachers (contact: Jessica Haedge) 
This class is provided for students with specific and special needs and includes a  rotation of qualified teachers providing professionally-designed Biblical  curriculum.

Wednesday Night Adult

(March 5 – May 28, 7:00-8:00pm)

The LIfe of David (Auditorium) 
Teacher: Ken Reed
A study of David’s life through his victories and struggles which shaped his faith and writings. Each week, we will discover truths gleaned from David’s life as a shepherd, king, murderer, poet, outlaw and a man who deeply loved and served.

Through the Bible in a Year-New Testament, Part 2 (Room 210) 
Teacher: Dan Chambers
This quarter will finish our year-long journey through the Bible by finishing our journey through the New Testament. We'll continue to learn the major themes of each book, the key verses, and see how each book fits into the Bible story.
(Note: This is a repeat of the Sunday morning class.)

Ladies’ Class: Tell Me Your Story (Room 211) 
Teachers: Emily Gray, Amber Hammond, Lori Reed & Jane Thomas
Each of us has a story to tell of what God has done in our lives. Just as you have a unique story, God has a person to hear that story as well. Maybe you feel like you can't share the Gospel or are not adequately prepared to answer hard questions, but you've got a story to share about how God is working in your heart and in your life.

Young Professionals: Three Characters, One God (Room 212) 
Teachers: Elijah Brewer, Tyler Pegg, and Jacob Shelton
We are seeking to better understand the singular nature of God through a study of His impact in the lives of three different Biblical characters.

Singing (Barn door classroom-207)
Teachers: Various Song Leaders (organized by Dewight Lanham)
This is an opportunity to worship God with voice & heart.

Enjoy Complementary Coffee and other hot beverages are available in the education wing between Sunday morning worship service and the start of Bible class.

Sunday Morning Youth  

(March 2 - May 25, 10:30-11:15am)

(0-12 months)
Alicia Collins & Morgan Hirshman
1 Year OldsBerenda Vance & Abby Everson206
2 Year OldsErin Craig & Connie Latta
3 Year OldsJenny Jones & Rachel Hix118
4 Year OldsLeslie Ann Westmoreland &
Kim Berresheim
K / Pre-1stJames & Jessica Barrett
1st GradeKim Barnes & Whitney Jenkins110
2nd GradeMelinda McCormac, Allie McCormac & Kelly Reaves111
3rd GradeJulie Spencer & Lacey Garner112
4th GradeShannon Vawter & Jeannine Vawter113

Answers in Genesis
Ken & Lori Reed
7th-8th GradesAnswers in Genesis 
Mike Sheppard & Daniel McRady
Middle School Room
9th – 12th Grades2 Corinthians
Will Connelly w/ Roger Jenkins,
Chris Rhodes & Ryan Daniel
High School Room

Wednesday Night Youth

(March 5 – May 28, 7:00-8:00pm)

(0-12 months)
Ginny Bendure & Mandi Neal205
1 Year OldsJulie Spencer & Bailie Pegg206
2 Year OldsSandra Collins & Andrea Hoffman119
3 Year OldsSheila Arnold & Jaelyn Ross118
4 Year OldsAmy Everson, Mercedes Bruce &
Ginny Dezern
K / Pre-1stChris & Kimberly Brady116
1st & 2nd GradeJanet Taylor & Gina Rose110
3rd GradeBecky Austin & Kelly Alsup112
4th GradeLori Bailey, Leola Chambers & Alicia Collins

Answers in Genesis
Noel Bendure and Matt Reaves
Walking Away from Idolatry
Will Connelly & Chris Rhodes
Middle School Room
9th – 12th
Salt & Light (Sermon on the Mount)
Ryan Daniel & Roger Jenkins
High School Rooms