Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
The purpose behind our mission ministry is simple: to give opportunity for salvation of souls in the United States of America and among foreign fields where simple New Testament Christianity is little known or unknown.
While joyfully serving Jesus Christ, we seek to assist, support, and encourage our brethren in mission fields. Our mission partnerships exist to stimulate a greater interest and better involvement in mission fields by our members and to facilitate the life-changing joy that listening to and spreading the Word of God can bring. We hope to arouse a greater consciousness of the value of souls, not only in mission areas, but in our own community.
"And He said to them, 'Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to all creation. He who believes and is baptized shall be saved; but he who has disbelieved shall be condemned. "' Mark 16:15 -16 NASB
While joyfully serving Jesus Christ, we seek to assist, support, and encourage our brethren in mission fields. Our mission partnerships exist to stimulate a greater interest and better involvement in mission fields by our members and to facilitate the life-changing joy that listening to and spreading the Word of God can bring. We hope to arouse a greater consciousness of the value of souls, not only in mission areas, but in our own community.
"And He said to them, 'Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to all creation. He who believes and is baptized shall be saved; but he who has disbelieved shall be condemned. "' Mark 16:15 -16 NASB

#GlorifyGod | #ShareTheGospel | #ServeOthers
Find out how you can share Christ locally & abroad...Go!

Meet our Missionaries...
George Funk
Gospel Chariot Missions - Africa
Supported 10+ years.
Taking the gospel to every African country through gospel chariots, short term schools, bible correspondence courses, and campaigns. Presence in 20 countries where Africans are reaching Africa for Jesus.
Taking the gospel to every African country through gospel chariots, short term schools, bible correspondence courses, and campaigns. Presence in 20 countries where Africans are reaching Africa for Jesus.

Evan Todachine
Supported since 2021.
Evan and his wife Crystal are full Navajo, born/raised near Kayenta on the Navajo Reservation and working to reach Natives for Christ.
Evan and his wife Crystal are full Navajo, born/raised near Kayenta on the Navajo Reservation and working to reach Natives for Christ.

Augustine Tawiah
Supported 15+ years.
Former Ghana Bible College (GBC) President, professor, preacher and member of Parliament. He also has started a successful k-12 school and teacher’s college (Lamplighter)
Former Ghana Bible College (GBC) President, professor, preacher and member of Parliament. He also has started a successful k-12 school and teacher’s college (Lamplighter)

William Ayisi
Ghana Bible College
Supported 10+ years.
Long-time professor at GBC. Protégé of Augustine who is also a lawyer and provides free legal services to church members and congregations with land/building disputes. Preaches full-time.
Long-time professor at GBC. Protégé of Augustine who is also a lawyer and provides free legal services to church members and congregations with land/building disputes. Preaches full-time.

Benhur Talatoti
Benhur Talatoti
Supported 5+ years.
Preaches in southern India & runs True Church Seminars (TCS) program he created that is focused on converting denominational preachers.
Preaches in southern India & runs True Church Seminars (TCS) program he created that is focused on converting denominational preachers.

Rodgers Chuulu
Rodgers Chuulu
Kabwe, Zambia
Supported since 2007.
WBS follow up partner in prisons
and Church plants (4) in Ngabwe
WBS follow up partner in prisons
and Church plants (4) in Ngabwe

Yang & Ramsey
Sang Yang & Bill Ramsey
Supported 10+ years.
Preaches in church and runs a successful program to teach the bible for free to community.
Preaches in church and runs a successful program to teach the bible for free to community.

Washington Mumba
Washington Mumba
Supported since 2021.
WBS focus, prison ministry and local congregation duties
WBS focus, prison ministry and local congregation duties

Cape May church of Christ
Cape May church of Christ
Cape May, NJ
Supported 10+ years.
Congregation in Cape May, NJ
Congregation in Cape May, NJ

Vladimir Volodko
Supported 15+ years. Teacher/Preacher at small bible college and church.

Graham McDonald
Supported since 2018.
Graham, a native Scott, currently serves as a minister in Cumbernault
Graham, a native Scott, currently serves as a minister in Cumbernault

Thomas and Peggy Sakala
Lusaka, Zambia
Supported since 2007.
Conducts (with Melvin) the WBS follow up in prisons. He and wife Peggy, also care for 20+ “at risk” children.
Conducts (with Melvin) the WBS follow up in prisons. He and wife Peggy, also care for 20+ “at risk” children.

Christopher Ndlovu
WBS focus with prisons. Preaches locally.

Nqobizitha Moyo
Zimbabwe Drip Irrigation
Supported since 2015.
Meeting physical needs through teaching farming and providing mealie (food) on a regular basis, actively preach each week to the small villages supported.
Meeting physical needs through teaching farming and providing mealie (food) on a regular basis, actively preach each week to the small villages supported.

Jacob Moyo
Zimbabwe Drip Irrigation
Supported 10+ years.
Works with his son Nqobizitha. Helps with well placement and digging projects.
Works with his son Nqobizitha. Helps with well placement and digging projects.

Melvin and Linda Kalimanshila
Melvin and Linda Kalimanshila
Lusaka, Zambia
Supported since 2007.
Melvin conducts (with Thomas) the WBS follow up in prisons in 2 cities, Lusaka and Kitwe.
Melvin conducts (with Thomas) the WBS follow up in prisons in 2 cities, Lusaka and Kitwe.

Goodnews Peter
Supported 15+ years.
Directs our Nigerian Bible Teacher Program which supports 21 Bible Preachers & Teachers in the local schools.
Directs our Nigerian Bible Teacher Program which supports 21 Bible Preachers & Teachers in the local schools.

Inemesit Mfon Sambo
Inemesit Mfon Sambo
Preacher & Teacher in the Nigerian Bible Teacher Program. Inemesit has taught in the bible teacher program since 1995.

Ime William Akai
Ime William Akai
Preacher & Teacher in the Nigerian Bible Teacher Program. Ime has taught in the bible teacher program since 1986.

Francis Jacob Udoeyen
Francis Jacob Udoeyen
Preacher & Teacher in the Nigerian Bible Teacher Program. Francis has taught in the bible teacher program since 2014.

Akpan Joshua Udosen
Akpan Joshua Udosen
Preacher & Teacher in the Nigerian Bible Teacher Program. Akpan has taught in the bible teacher program since 1994.

Ofonime Effiong Inyang
Ofonime Effiong Inyang
Preacher & Teacher in the Nigerian Bible Teacher Program. Ofonime has taught in the bible teacher program since 2006.

Friday Sunday Udoekwere
Friday Sunday Udoekwere
Preacher & Teacher in the Nigerian Bible Teacher Program. Friday has taught in the bible teacher program since 2003.

Uwemedimoh Udousoroh
Uwemedimoh Udousoroh
Preacher & Teacher in the Nigerian Bible Teacher Program. Uwemedimoh has taught in the bible teacher program since 1994.

Marcus Okon Enwang
Marcus Okon Enwang
Preacher & Teacher in the Nigerian Bible Teacher Program. Marcus has taught in the bible teacher program since 2017.

Nse Bassey Daniel
Nse Bassey Daniel
Preacher & Teacher in the Nigerian Bible Teacher Program. Nse has taught in the bible teacher program since 2010.

Effiong Sunday Edet
Effiong Sunday Edet
Preacher & Teacher in the Nigerian Bible Teacher Program. Effiong has taught in the bible teacher program since 1989.

Daniel Dick Akifa
Daniel Dick Akifa
Preacher & Teacher in the Nigerian Bible Teacher Program. Daniel has taught in the bible teacher program since 2007.

Godfred Okon Eyo
Godfred Okon Eyo
Preacher & Teacher in the Nigerian Bible Teacher Program. Godfred has taught in the bible teacher program since 1994.

Monday Rankin Ntong
Monday Rankin Ntong
Preacher & Teacher in the Nigerian Bible Teacher Program. Monday has taught in the bible teacher program since 1994.

Sunday Jonah Udo
Sunday Jonah Udo
Preacher & Teacher in the Nigerian Bible Teacher Program. Sunday has taught in the bible teacher program since 1994.

Ubong Sunday Paul
Ubong Sunday Paul
Preacher & Teacher in the Nigerian Bible Teacher Program. Ubong has taught in the bible teacher program since 1997.

Emmanuel Hezekiah Ntia
Emmanuel Hezekiah Ntia
Preacher & Teacher in the Nigerian Bible Teacher Program. Emmanuel has taught in the bible teacher program since 1991.

Asurua Ime Effiong
Asurua Ime Effiong
Preacher & Teacher in the Nigerian Bible Teacher Program. Asurua has taught in the bible teacher program since 2002.

Innocent George Umoh
Innocent George Umoh
Preacher & Teacher in the Nigerian Bible Teacher Program. Innocent has taught in the bible teacher program since 2019.

Esu Ekpo Esu
Esu Ekpo Esu
Preacher & Teacher in the Nigerian Bible Teacher Program. Esu has taught in the bible teacher program since 2020.