Sunday Worship 9:00 AM & 6:00 PM | 10:30 AM Bible Classes | Wednesday Bible Study 7:00 PM

Meet our Deacons

Our deacons are responsible for making our ministries operational.
They oversee and facilitate the day-to-day activities that drive the various goals of each ministry. 

Mac Alsup

Senior Servants

Tim Bankhead

Adult Education & Curriculum

Matt Barnes

NHC Worship Service

Justin Battles


Noel Bendure

Visitation Ministry

Chris Brady

Fellowship & Events

Mark Collins

Worship Service Participants

Ryan Daniel

9th - 12th Grade Youth

Jeff Hammond

Inner City Program

Brad Jones

World Bible School & Cards Ministry

Brian Jones

Building & Grounds

Jared Dougan

K - 5th Grade Youth

David Harper


Alan Kirby

Audio & Equipment

Adam Garner

Little Leaders/Leaderettes, Lads to Leaders

Kevin Hulen

Bible Bowl

Jason Lambert

Electrical/Men's Ministry

James Garner

Fellowship & Events

Roger Jenkins

6th - 8th Grade Youth

Bill Locke

I.T., Audio/Video & Media

Scott McFarlin

Benevolence & 
Preschool (Institutional)

Matt Reeves


Greg Smith

Jail Ministry

Ryan Staggs


Eric Marvin

Adult Education and Curriculum

Cammie Neal

HVAC System

Chris Rhodes

9th - 12th Grade Youth

Alan Stephens

Outreach & Greeting 

Kevin Montgomery

Worship Committee, Singing Ministry, & Legal

Lee O'Dell

College Ministry

Mike Sheppard


Jimmie Tullis


Kevin McCormac

Budget and Finance

Brandon Rawlins


D.J. Smith

Website, Social Media, & Graphic Design

Kipp Turner

Inner City Ministry

Justin Zelnik


Reed Vega

Young Professionals

Frank Walton

New Members & Involvement

Chad Westmoreland

K - 5th Grade Youth